We Moved into our Neighborhood Today
Well, after three years we moved into our neighborhood today. A couple down the street had a BBQ. They have lived here for three years also, and are moving to Apple Hill. They had a BBQ for the couple moving in to be able to meet the neighbors. They want the new family to feel welcome. We all discussed how being neighborly seems to be a thing of the past, yet everyone was longing for it. The couple moving away expressed their sadness for not getting to know everyone before.
That seems to be the theme of the week. Why do we wait until someone is leaving to open up? Why does it take someone nearing death for us to have time to visit? Why do we find it easier to say nice things about someone when they're retiring or moving. Why can't we, today, thank our friend for being there for us; welcome our neighbor to our home; tell somebody we respect that they made a difference in our life; visit Aunt so and so; ____________ (you fill in the blank). I for one, am ready to stop saying "I always meant to __________";
i've wondered the same thing... why does it take someone dying or getting married for me to see my extended family? why soooo long to spend time with the neighbors that i wave to but never have over for dinner? thanks for getting me to think!
Michelle, Susie and I have been talking about doing a barbecue in our court with the whole neighborhood since we moved in. Have we? No, always seem to find an excuse not to. We ARE going to do it soon. Thanks for reminding me to Just Do It!
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I know that this has been your desire since you moved in to your new home and to think you have two homes to develope community with now! :)
I miss you.
I too have found this out the hard way. I had this very discussion with Joe and Denise back in January. In light of them moving to Hawaii we realized that we really had never taken part of each others lives much outside of ministry. We THOUGHT we had, but we really had not. Now that I know my time is limited with them I try to spend at least a few hours a week with them at their house. I have LOVED it! Why did I wait so long to make that move? For over 4 years I had lived practically around the corner form them and hardly ever spent time with them. Now I live 20 minutes away and I have connected with them more! Hummm? Great post! Just do it!
My extended family and I have a huge problem with the whole "forest for the trees" thing.
We get our blinders on, head down to the grindstone, gotta go and do, and we forget to be.
Once we are together, then we remember the love and the affection we have for each other.
But it doesn't happen often enough.
That needs to change ..
Thanks for the great word, Michelle ..
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