What do you think?
As I was looking for something else in the paper today, I read this letter to the editor: I'd like some insights from my friends! It is one of those things that bothers me and I need help reconciling it in my mind! Thanks in advance for your input!!!
Predetermination or choice?
Reporter Editor:
In a recent letter ("Making it easy to choose faith," The Reporter, Sept. 9), the writer explained his reasons for choosing Christianity over Islam. I find this interesting, as I've always been told by Christian leaders that God knows everything that was, is and will be.
Now, if God knows the future, then the future is predetermined and the writer had no choice in whether he would become Christian, Muslim, Jewish or even a worshiper of purple shag carpet. Every breath he takes, every supposedly random thought he thinks, every time he gets up in the morning and "decides" to wear those heinous green polyester slacks - these were not his decisions at all, but were predetermined actions.
I suppose this also means that by Christian rules, Osama bin Laden did not choose to perpetrate atrocities, he was predestined to commit them. And again by Christian rules, God knew in advance the evil that bin Laden would perpetrate in his lifetime, even before he was born.
I would ask that those who are Christian not talk to me about how one chooses to be murderous or virtuous, or how one chooses a particular religion over another. Anyone who believes the Christian tenet of God knowing the future can't believe in the concept of free will.
Paul Domeier, Coarsegold